SMK Metland

Kunjungan Delegasi dari Anabuki College Jepang ke Smk Metland

SMK Metland

Kepala Sekolah SMK Metland Bertemu dengan Ibu Dr. Sri Mulyani Indrawati M.Ec.


Penyerahan Sertifikat oleh Kadisdik Prov Jabar.

SMK Metland

Kepala Sekolah SMK Metland Bertemu dengan Bapak Drs. H. Muhammad Jusuf Kalla SE.


EndahnRhesa Trisofar 2020.

Kamis, 28 Januari 2021

Online Course and Distant Learning Collaboration between STIEPAR YAPARI-AKTRIPA, STP TRISAKTI and SMK Pariwisata Metland School Conducted on 25 to 27 January 2021

Online Course and Distant Learning Collaboration Between STIEPAR YAPARI-AKTRIPA, STP TRISAKTI and SMK PARIWIATA METLAND SCHOOL Conducted on 25 to 27 January 2021 

Day 1

Monday, January 25th 2021

  1. Hospitality Class

Sesion 1

Guest Tutor  : Lia Afriza, S.E.,M.M


Materi          : Tourism Fundamentals

Tourism Fundamentals :

- Definition of Tourism

- Main components of Tourism Activities

- Tourism in Indonesian Law

- Type of tourist based of purposes

Sesion 2

Guest Tutor  : Emenina, M.Par

From            : STP TRISAKTI

Materi          : Hotel Laundry Definition

Hotel Laundry Definition :

- Definition of Laundry Department in Hotel

- Differences of Laundry & Dry Cleaning

- Laundry from different point of views (process, knowledge, and corporation)

- Laundry Service Activities

- Type of Laundry establishment

- Laundry Organization Structure

- Laundry Coordination with other Department

- Laundry Equipment

  1. Culinary

Sesion 1

Guest Tutor  : Alifatqul Maulana, S.ST.M.Par

From            : STP TRISAKTI

Materi          : Molecular Gastronomy

Molecular Gastronomy is an art in cookery which complemented by use of chemical in order to change molecular structures in the food and creating a new molecular structure. This intricatematerial was presented by an STP Trisakti lecturer Chef Alifatqul Maulana S.ST.M.Par, he is an expert lecturer in Culinary.

Day 2

Tuesday, January 26th 2021

  1. Hospitality Class

Sesion 1

Guest Tutor  : Indah Nur Agustiani, S.Par.,M.M


Materi          : Tourism Destination Marketing

Tourism Destination Marketing

- Definition of Tourism Destination Marketing

- Functions of Tourism Destination Marketing

- Steps of Implementation on Tourism Destination Marketing

Sesion 2

Guest Tutor  : Emenina, M.Par

From            : STP TRISAKTI

Materi          : Cases in Laundry Washing Process

Cases in Laundry Washing Process

- Type of causes occurred in Laundry

- What causes the problems in Laundry

- How to prevent causes in Laundry

  1. Culinary

Sesion 1

Guest Tutor  : Anti Riyanti, S.Sos.,M.M


Materi          : Fusion Indonesian Cake 

Fusion Food is a technique in combining two or more different menu with an outcome of producing a new culinary breakthrough, be it from shape, color, flavor, smell, and texture on the food. This material is presented to students with collaboration system with college lecturer in direct method in order for the students to experience efforts to create an achievement to helps their career in the future.


Day 3

Wednesday, January 27th 2021

  1. Hospitality Class

Sesion 1

Guest Tutor  : Emenina, M.Par

From            : STP TRISAKTI

Materi          : Occupational Health & Safety in Hotel Laundry

Occupational Health & Safety in Hotel Laundry :

- Definition of Occupational Health & Safety

- Objectives of Occupational Health & Safety

- Type of Hazards

- Controlling and Preventing Steps


Minggu, 24 Januari 2021

TikTok Challenge SMP/MTs Sederajat se-JABODETABEK

Metland School & OSIS Metland School Present :

TikTok Challenge SMP/MTs Sederajat se-JABODETABEK

Tema :

Cinta kepada tuhan 
Cinta kepada orang tua
Cinta dan hormat kepada guru
Cinta ilmu pengetahuan 
Cinta bangsa dan tanah air
Cinta alam lingkungan dan budaya
Cinta sahabat dan sesama
Cinta diri sendiri

Percaya diri yang kuat
Riang dan selalu optimis
Sehat jiwa dan raga
Tidak mudah menyerah dan putus asa
Amanah sebagai pemimpin
Siap menjadi pribadi mandiri
Inovatif dalam karya yang bermanfaat
*Peserta bisa memilih salah satu tema di atas.

Tiktoker/Influencer Alumni Metland School :
- Jihantu (@jihanmndaa)
- Krisna (@krisnahatono_)

Link Pendaftaran :

Juara akan mendapatkan :
- Uang Tunai
- E-Sertifikat

Pengumuman Pemenang :
16 Februari 2021

Contact Person :